2021 MetroAeroSpace Workshop

Development of Advanced Aerospace systems for innovative remote sensing and monitoring applications

The IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace takes place in its 8th edition. MetroAeroSpace (http://www.metroaerospace.org/) addresses several topics related to advanced Aerospace systems for remote sensing and monitoring applications. The paper contribution can also include the design and the development of innovative integrated systems aided to improve the navigation function of Aerospace systems, such as satellites, manned aircraft, and unmanned platforms in order to achieve remote sensing and monitoring missions. The 2021 MetroAeroSpace Workshop (June 23-25, 2021, Naples, IT) was sponsored by the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.

Guest Editor:                                                                       Co-guest editors:

Domenico Accardo
Claudia Conte


Manuscript Submission Manuscript Review Estimated Publication
July 1 – September 15 As received – December 15

Manuscript Submission:

Manuscripts with supporting documents are submitted to the web-based portal: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jmass. After registering with the site, Author Instructions provide detailed guidelines for manuscript preparation. All authors of a paper must each link a valid ORCID ID to their personal page on the system. Submission requirements include:

  1. A Cover Letter clearly identifying the paper as a submission for the Special Issue and that it is an extended version of the original conference paper (abstract). Any changes to the author list between the original article and the new submission must be explained with all co-authors (original, new, removed) as co-signers.
  2. The extended manuscript.
  3. Details describing how the paper has been technically extended. This is provided as a separate file to be uploaded as part of the submission process.
  4. A PDF copy of the original abstract.
  5. The name of the Special Issue should be included in the upper right-hand corner of every document submitted.
  6. Additional details available on the manuscript submission portal, https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jmass and on J-MASS information site, https://ieee.j-mass.org.