Submission Policies
Manuscripts should meet the following requirements:
- The article fits the J-MASS scope and is in the J-MASS template.
- The topic is interesting and inspiring for our readership.
- The journal targets readership for both researchers and practitioners in academia and industryand in the fields utilizing electromagnetics for biomedical applications. The authors should keep in mind that articles need to be of interest to multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary audiences.
- The information is important for science, engineering and clinical applications.
- The study conducted is ethical.
- The material is original.
- IEEE policy does not allow simultaneous submission of similar manuscripts to journals or conferences. If there are any issues with the policy please inform the editor. The IEEE policy for “Authorship and Plagiarism”is at this link: []
- The writing is clear and concise.
- The study methods are appropriate with validated data.
- The conclusions are reasonable and supported by the data.
- The manuscript includes sufficient citations to support.
- Authors must reference their own work, especially recent journal/conference publications. For original research papers, related publications should be discussed in the introduction to distinguish the new information/results in the manuscript.
- Authors should be aware of self-plagiarism concern,which is denied as publication of the same work in archival publications. This includes parallel submission of substantially similar manuscripts to conferences and to journals.
- For special issue manuscripts, previously published conference abstracts or papers should be included in the submission. The rules will be described in the special issue Call-for-Papers.
- The manuscript is clear on authorship, permission and copyright.
- Authors must follow the requirements for appropriate author list order, the designation and responsibility of the corresponding author, as well as the rights and responsibilities of co-authorship.
- Authors should clearly state any conflicts of interest and receive institutional permission before submission. A conflict of interest statement should be included in the manuscript.
- Authors should be aware of the copyright matters. Responsibility for the content of submitted papers rests upon the authors. This is a long-standing principle of the IEEE policy, but has been added to the copyright form as an explicit reminder to authors. The form is at
Informed consent, protection of privacy, and other human rights are further criteria against which manuscripts involving human subjects will be judged. Papers describing investigations on human or animal subjects must include a statement that the study was approved by the appropriate institutional review board. The approval of research protocol should be disclosed in the manuscript.
Our ethical requirements for submitted manuscripts are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, drawn up by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (JAMA 1997;277:927-934). J-MASS also supports and acts in line with the Editorial Policy Statements of the Council of Science Editors ( and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.